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Hernst Laroche

Life is about evaluating things and putting things into perspective; trying to make the best decision most of the time

Life events can be determined by one action

You can affect the course of your life by one action

You can choose to wake up and do something and be productive

One action now can determine what will happen in your life 5 years from now

Choices could impact others

Your choices are either beneficial or detrimental

I chose to fight adversity

I chose to be the man I am today

I chose to be an example to the youth

I chose New Mexico State University

I chose positivity over negativity

I chose optimism over pessimism   

Choices are Powerful

These are my choices

What are yours?


  • Taysean Wilson-Nolan

    I want to be a Laroche

    19th April 2020
  • Mirah Gabrielle

    Deep!! Love it and looking forward to more Xx

    19th April 2020

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Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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